Larry Wall wrote:

In principle, cross-compile configuration is drop-dead easy. All you
need is a database of what the probe program *would* have answered
had you been able to run it on the other machine. (Getting someone
to write that database entry for you is the tricky part.) You also
have to be careful to separate architectural parameters from policy
parameters. An architectural parameter says your integers are 32 bits.
A policy parameter says you want to install the documentation in the
/foo/bar/baz directory. Cross compilation has to nail down the
architectural parameters while potentially deferring decisions on
policy to a later installation step.

Easy thing.

An interesting question would be whether we can bootstrap a Parrot
cross-compile database using autoconf's *data* without buying into the
shellism of autoconf. Or give someone the tool to extract the data
from the autoconf database themselves, so we don't have to ship it.

Possible thing.

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