On Thursday 09 September 2004 08:32 am, Gregory Keeney wrote:

> I don't think Parrot's probe system can help us here. Autoconf (as
> described above) uses the target architecture compiler's knowledge of
> the target system. We don't have anything equivalent, as we want to
> bootstrap the cross compiler through Parrot, not the C compiler.

I suppose it depends upon what you mean by cross-compilation:

(a) compiling the C parts of parrot on platform A so it can run on platform B,
     to JIT and run platform-independent bytecode.
(b) compiling the C parts of parrot to run on platform A, but when run the
     parrot engine generates platform-dependent code for platform B.

The autoconf thing I described helps with (a), but maybe not (b).  I had 
assumed that you meant (a).  Apologies if I was mistaken.



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