On Wed, 2004-09-08 at 12:40, Larry Wall wrote:

> have to be careful to separate architectural parameters from policy
> parameters.  An architectural parameter says your integers are 32 bits.
> A policy parameter says you want to install the documentation in the
> /foo/bar/baz directory.  Cross compilation has to nail down the
> architectural parameters while potentially deferring decisions on
> policy to a later installation step.

Actually, I'd say that they're all architectural parameters, and you
want to put them all in the database (e.g. you should define that for
Fedora Linux Core 2, the default documentation area is /usr/share/man,
but for SunOS 3, it's /usr/man). What the person compiling the program
OVERRIDES is their call (and in some contexts, the size of integers is a
POLICY decision, not architectural).

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