> It can't be by the same author, though, to count for is_prereq, right?
> So someone needs to create a new CPAN ID, and release a module under that ID
> that prereqs all of CPAN.  Then we'd all get our prereq points.
> Probably could be done with a Build.PL that pulls the full module list then
> constructs a massive requires hash.  Unless CPANTS scans for dependencies,
> in which case you'd need to build the .pm file dynamically, too.  And then
> run a cron job to rebuild/re-release with cpan-upload every so often to keep
> it fresh.

This would definitely work, at the cost of massive inflation of the
'is_prereq' currency.

Maybe a peer-to-peer is_prereq network could be created where each CPAN
author enters reciprocal agreements with other like-minded authors to
list their modules as prerequisites of one of his or her own modules.

Each auther could have a special empty 'dependent' module for this
purpose.  Something like ACME::Prereq::[AUTHOR_ID].  


Michael Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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