On Wed, Dec 06, 2000 at 11:48:45AM +0000, Nicholas Clark wrote:
> (Is maintaining such a document an "apprentice" job? (see perl6-meta))
I'd certainly like someone to take on the maintainance of the document I
posted last night, because I hope that one of its functions will be to explain
to apprentices a little of some of the concepts that we're dealing with; I
tried to do that in places, but it got late. 

So, anyone want to volunteer? 

What maintainance would involve would be, I think, receiving forwarded
messages from perl6-internals-design (or whatever) with bits marked "We need
to remember to think about this more!", and making sure those bits are covered
on the meta-design, with an option on learning about the topic and writing a
short summary for everyone to gain from. It would probably also need updating
when we settle one of the issues on it, with a brief note on what was decided.


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        -- Megahal (trained on asr), 1998-11-06

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