--- Rafael Garcia-Suarez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Austin Hastings wrote in perl.perl6.language :
> > 
> > What we've got is an encoding problem at the MUA level. Mark Reed
> says
> > my mailer (Yahoo!) tagged a message containing high-bit characters
> as
> > US-ASCII. Several people the other day reported on the differences
> in
> > UTF8 vs. Latin-1 handling among pine, elm, and other mailers.
> Not only the MUA level. Usually source code is written in a lowest
> common denominator of ascii, even for languages that allow unicode
> identifiers (Java) or markup. That's because source code is handled
> by
> parsers, documentation extractors, pretty printers, diff(1),
> patch(1),
> version control software, and (you said it) various internet clients.

> That's why some people may still prefer to continue using pure ascii
> even though then think that unicode operators are cool. (Esp. if they
> are under the influence of FUD : "use PHP ! it's ascii compliant !")

Yeah, but ActiveState does Perl, and Microsoft owns ActiveState, so
we've got the kings of FUD on our side for a change. Joy.

> > Perl6 will do more to address the real technical issues of
> electronic
> > communication between Americans and French-speakers than anything
> else.
> > (Primarily because Perl hackers want to talk to each other, but no
> > French-speaker wants to talk to an American ;-)
> You're Italian, aren't you ?

Actually, an American who's been ignored in many places. :-)


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