On Mon, Nov 04, 2002 at 12:26:56PM -0800, Austin Hastings wrote:

> In short:
> 1- ? and ? are really useful in my context.
> 2- I can make my work environment generate them in one (modified)
> keystroke.
> 3- I can make my home environment do likewise.
> 4- The "ascii-only" version isn't faster and easier, nor more morally
> pure.
> 5- There is no "differently keyboard abled" market out there which has
> engaged my sympathy, ascii-operator wise.
> Ergo,
> 6- my @a = @b ?+? @c;

It's a great argument.  I know how to type "funny" characters too.  I
can even read some of the ones some people send.  Just don't expect me
to be able to understand any Perl 6 you mail me.  Whether the problem is
at your end, my end or somewhere in the middle is moot.

On the other hand, maybe all these issues will be sorted out before we
can start writing Perl 6 in earnest.  In one way I hope that is true.
In another I hope it isn't ;-)

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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