On Mon, 14 Jun 2004, C Bobroff wrote:

> On Mon, 14 Jun 2004, Behdad Esfahbod wrote:
> > Come on Connie, you're still to provide a real example, from the
> > books or streets whatever.
> The "streets" stuff was a joke and I'm afraid I led Ordak on--no pun
> intended-- a wild-goose chase, (sorry!) but here are some from published
> books:

I'm not convinced with your examples.  I don't accept them as
authentic.  Let's see inside:

> http://students.washington.edu/irina/PNRahimEM.jpg

While it looks like they have put all Kasre's, but there's none
after "Moini", which is evidently pronounced in more places that
the one after "Rahim".

> http://students.washington.edu/irina/PNNaaserEKh.jpg

"Naaser-e Khosro" is a WEIRD. I have never heard anyone pronounce
it like that.  Everyone just says "naaser-khosro" just like it's
a single word.  And again, it's not first-last name combination.

> http://students.washington.edu/irina/PNMasumehYeM.jpg

I pretty share Mr Khanban's opinion here.  To me, "ma'soome-ye
ma'dan-kan" looks like anything but personal name.  What about
"ma'soom-e haftom"?

> -Connie

The bottom line:  Thanks Connie, you showed us that there are
people printing that thing in reality.  I don't like to argue
about how widely it's used anymore.  If someone has an evidence
of Persian Academy putting this Kasre, please bring the issue up
again for our reconsideration.

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