Pardon the late chiming in, but we actually installed this work some years ago 
at our museum. It was in the lobby, near the street entrance. We too were 
concerned with pests, but actually did not have any insects or mice. The 
greatest threat was indeed patrons (adults as well as children)! One issue we 
did have was with the gingerbread. At first we had the baker make up accurate 
ginger bread panels, but the amount of sugar and molasses in it caused the 
panels to stale, get soft, and fall out/off. We had to remake the panels 
without sugar. Did not taste nearly as good. ;)
Hope this helps a little,

From: 'bugman22' via MuseumPests [mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com]
Sent: Sunday, September 6, 2020 1:07 PM
To: pestlist@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [PestList] Pest issues with Gingerbread

Thank you Gretchen!!  My thoughts entirely...

Tom Parker

-----Original Message-----
From: Anderson, Gretchen <anders...@carnegiemnh.org>
To: pestlist@googlegroups.com <pestlist@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Sun, Sep 6, 2020 3:14 pm
Subject: RE: [PestList] Pest issues with Gingerbread
Let me add my voice to the no sticky traps for mice, as well as to live 
trapping.  Not only will they hurt themselves but they die of dehydration – a 
slow death.  With live traps, you must check them at least once per day 
(preferably 2 times per day) or they will die of thirst.  And, remember that 
when you release them they might come back in, or get killed anyway – mice are 
territorial and will kill strangers coming into their territory.

I will leave you with this image. At a museum I worked at, we used live traps 
next to the loading dock door (not my idea).  My assistant checked the trap 
once and found that a female had given birth and by the time we checked all had 

Snaps are the most humane.  You have to place them properly – the trigger 
perpendicular against the wall.  And mice do love chocolate. There is even one 
trap – The Snap-E trap that has a little cup just the right size for jamming a 
Hershey’s kiss in to it!

Good Luck.

From: pestlist@googlegroups.com <pestlist@googlegroups.com> On Behalf Of Alan P 
Van Dyke
Sent: Friday, September 4, 2020 4:39 PM
To: pestlist@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [PestList] Pest issues with Gingerbread

Avoid glue traps for mice.  They may seem humane, but the mouse will hurt 
itself to get loose, or be terrified while you spend the time to get it off and 
clean it up.

If you want the mouse alive to release somewhere outside far away from your 
facility, then consider a live trap such as a Victor Catch & Hold 
  You'll need to check the trap often (at least twice a day).  For insects you 
can still put out the regular Trapper insect blunder traps that hopefully a 
mouse won't get itself stuck in.  Or make a little enclosure for it that bugs 
can walk into but keep mice out.

Good luck!  Having that much gingerbread in a gallery would overwhelm me.


Alan Van Dyke
Senior Preservation Technician
Harry Ransom Center
The University of Texas at Austin
P.O. Drawer 7219
Austin, Texas 78713-7219
P: 512-232-4614

[Image removed by sender.]<http://hrc.utexas.edu/>

On Fri, Sep 4, 2020 at 3:15 PM Tony Irwin 
<dr.tony.ir...@gmail.com<mailto:dr.tony.ir...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Breakback snap traps are usually considered the most humane for mice. Baited 
with chocolate or peanut butter, they will hardly add to the gallery's 
attractiveness, given the amount of gingerbread you already have.
The other pests to consider are the Drugstore or Biscuit Beetle (Stegobium 
paniceum) - it depends on how long the house is on display.
But perhaps your biggest problem may be errant, hungry children! Not sure what 
to advise for those...
Good luck!

Dr A.G.Irwin
47 The Avenues
Norfolk NR2 3PH
mobile: +44(0)7880707834
phone: +44(0)1603 453524

On Fri, 4 Sep 2020 at 20:53, Ariana Webber 
<amweb...@mit.edu<mailto:amweb...@mit.edu>> wrote:
Happy Friday Everyone,

I could use some advice from the listserv.  We are installing a work that is 
essentially a life-sized gingerbread house (84 x 120 x 84) in our galleries.  
The gingerbread tiles are slotted into a steel armature.  We worked with a 
local baker to bake the gingerbread tiles and they are sealed with an egg yolk 
wash. They were delivered to our gallery yesterday and are currently boxed and 
wrapped in plastic.  We are going to start installing on Tuesday.  Of course, I 
am worried about the pest problems having this work in our galleries will 
cause.  I was thinking about putting traps 
 inside the house (visitors aren’t allowed to walk inside).  And then placing 
more traps around the galleries at night.

Are mice the main thing I should be worried about?  Do the traps we bought seem 
like the right ones?  I bought these because they could be used for both mice 
and insects and didn’t require anything additional as a lure.  Are there any 
more humane mouse traps that don’t introduce additional lures to the space?

Thanks so much for your advice!


Ariana M. Webber

Registrar for Exhibitions

MIT List Visual Arts Center
20 Ames Street, Building E15-109

Cambridge, MA 02139 USA

617-253-6633 office

503-991-2253 mobile


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