Am 25.09.2013 um 10:25 schrieb Henrik Johansen <>:

On Sep 24, 2013, at 10:42 , kilon <> wrote:

I agree, Morphic is quite messy but its design is very solid. Its just like
any huge library need to go under a cleanup phase and be improved.

Depends on what you want you mean by solid.
For exploratory visual programming, it's a solid design.
For building GUIs from standard components and a clear separation of responsibilities between a morphs constituent parts (*parts* you say? who needs that, we're all morphs!), it's much less solid than say, MVC/MVP.

Agreed. This week I tried to do morphic the second time in my life. There are a lot of things that I consider to be annoying but then it is also easy to combine and display stuff. Took me not too much time to have a visual representation of my scanner cache tool

Was pretty much fun in the end. 


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