Quoting Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com>:

Esteban A. Maringolo wrote:

I don't know how long will it take to revamp Morphic, last time I saw a
demo of it at Smalltalks conference (~circa 2007/8), it was really
promising, but didn't hear about it again.  Regards,  Esteban A.

It seems Juan was concerned about his new methods being patented by
someone else.  Maybe we'll see more again publically soon.

cheers -ben


Thanks Ben. That's true, the most important ideas are already protected. I
hope to have a working version before the end of this year.

There will be some performance impact, mostly due to the use of Float
geometry instead of SmallInteger. Hopefully Eliot's Spur with immediate
Floats will compensate for that. But I have done some benchmarks, and the
Morphic 3 graphics engine is twice as fast as Cairo, and almost as fast as
AGG (Anti-Grain Geometry).
Juan Vuletich

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