> On 16 Sep 2016, at 10:02, Guille Polito <guillermopol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was thinking on the metro way to work, and I also saw that this discussion 
> is actually split in multiple threads, so it was not easy to follow :).
> Some of my feelings about this:
> - Pragmas are nice because they are easy to "interpret". Parsing them is 
> already provided. However, putting expressions or long examples into them 
> starts to be awkward. It seems it's pushin the syntax too much, isn't it?
> - Comments are nice because they are ignored! But right now comments are 
> simple plain text. This thread is to convert *some* comments into executable 
> examples. But this should be just some comments and not all of them, am I 
> right? So what happens when we want to have comments written in Pillar for 
> example? What I mean is that having examples is just an example of something 
> we would like to do with comments.
> But we can also imagine having comment interpreters. Something like this:
> ">>>PillarDoc
> !This is a Pillar title
> And I'm just a paragraph
> And I can link a class like @Object.
> "
> ">>>ExampleDoc
> self assert: '/foo/gloops.taz' asFileReference basename equals: 'gloops.taz'
> "
> What I like from this is that:
>   - comments that do not specify an interpreter are just plain old text. Thus 
> backward compatible.
>   - comments that specify an interpreter that is not present, are just plain 
> old text. A decoupling as it happens with the settings.
>   - an ExampleDoc interpreter can be just a test case instance, thus we could 
> use assertions instead of special >>> messages.
> Things that would require more thought:
>   - there is an overlap between these interpreted comments and pragmas... 
> There are for sure cases that solutions can be imagined with both.
>   - there is an overlap between examples and test cases. I saw many people 
> that argued that already. I am not against examples, but I think we should 
> (whichever implementation is chosen) draw a line and set some guidelines. 
> Stef, probably you have already in mind when you want a test case and when an 
> example and what's the distance. It would be good if we can transform that 
> implicit thought in something explicit (maybe even a lint rule in the future?)

+1 to all :)


> Guille
> -------- Original Message --------
>> Hi nicolai
>> I was thinking that I would prefer to have 
>>     "` '/foo/gloops.taz' asFileReference basename -> 'gloops.taz'.`"
>> instead of 
>>     ` '/foo/gloops.taz' asFileReference basename -> 'gloops.taz'.` <- 
>> suceeds, no output
>> So that we can use ` in the future in plain code. 
>> Also it has the advantage that it is backward compatible. 
>> Else we could have 
>>     `` 
>> But I do not know. 
>> Tell me what you think. 
>> I would love to browse the complete system to convert existing one liner 
>> with such 
>> Stef
>>> Ok, this is a quick hack ( do not look at the code :), yes using regex here 
>>> is a bit fragil)
>>> You can add code in comments between backticks (`)
>>> The formatter will highlight the text like smalltalk code (or not if it is 
>>> not valid code).
>>> + an icon styler with an icon showing a warning icon for faulty code or an 
>>> information icon otherwise
>>> you can click on the icon,
>>> if the code is an association
>>> expression -> result
>>> it executes the expression and compares it with the result, (with 
>>> assert:equals: ) opens debugger if it fails and does
>>> nothing otherwise
>>> if the code is just an expression, it opens an inspector.
>>> This is just one way to do some tests and experiments with this idea, don 
>>> 't yet know if this is a good idea or if
>>> we can / should find a better way to connect code with examples.
>>> first result, I find expressions in comments, highlighted as code, 
>>> confusing :)
>>> (file in attached cs in a recent pharo 6.0 and look at the method 
>>> AbstractFileReference>>#baseName . Or
>>> add an expression with backticks in a method comment
>>> ` your code here `
>>> Stef

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