"In the long run we are all dead" ;)
(sorry, I couldn't resist it)
El 26/05/2011, a las 2:20p.m., Toon Verwaest escribió:

>> Clearly Apple has a restrictive police on development and
>> commercialization of products for the iOS platform. It is not related
>> only to development language/environment but also content. Apple censors
>> and decides what can and what cannot be put in "their" (should be their
>> customers) tablets/phones/iPods (kind: no porno, no political, no
>> certain kinds of violence, etc).
>> One thing that amazes me is that currently there are two contestants to
>> the "Tablet&  Smartphone World Grand Prix": iOS and Android but people
>> in the SqueakVM/CogVM  communities are centered only around a single
>> "monopolist" manufacturer. IMHO it would be good to have SqueakVM/CogVM
>> decently running in Android (>= 2.1).
>> In the long term I think Android will win this "championship".
> +1... but don't say it too loudly; it might wake up the fanboys ;)

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