Em 26-05-2011 14:40, Randal L. Schwartz escreveu:
> (...)
> Toon> +1... but don't say it too loudly; it might wake up the fanboys ;)
> As long as the UI designers in the open source camp are few and far
> between (yes, "gimp", I'm looking at you), I don't think Apple has much
> to worry about.  Apple products will continue to interoperate better and
> *look* better than anything the open source community can muster.
Agreed about "look&feel" and interoperability. But there are lots of
things that go beyond that (otherwise Microsoft would be reigning
souverain in the field of mobile and that's just not the case).
Regarding Apple, long term is not all that safe for the company relies
strongly in the ingeniousness of Mr. Jobs and everybody knows what
happened when he left the company...

Comparing platforms, iOS is a Kawasaki Ninja 1000cc of the mobile
devices OS and Android is something between a Honda CG125/250cc. But
there's a huge market for small Hondas :)

Anyways, I just don't think that leaving Android aside is a good idea.


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