On 09 Feb 2012, at 22:27, Schwab,Wilhelm K wrote:

> My new 1.4 image is behaving a *little* better than its predecessors, but 
> there is still a problem.  It seems to happen after invoking Metacello loads, 
> even with the mirror.  Odd behaviors include:
> (1) can't open debugger
> (2) can't open process browser
> (3) intermittent flashing/alternating cursors in text editors.
> Whatever happens, it seems to be saved into the image as MC works, because 
> killing the image and reloading results in a hobbled system.
> At least with 1.4, I can sometimes break into a debugger, presumably because 
> something is busy in a tight loop.  That might be a/the parser??
> BTW, in an hour (max) of playing around, I've generated a 38 MB debug log - 
> too big to read :(  There are mentions of a parser, but my grep creativity 
> has not allowed me to pull out any useful information. Perhaps I can start 
> over with a clean log, let it get into some trouble, and review the log at a 
> smaller size.
> Suggestions?

Some remarks:

- if you load code and it fails for whatever reason, and there was no hidden 
save somewhere, I would be extremely surprised if killing the image (clean or 
otherwise) would result in permanent damage; the only side effect could be in 
your filesystem (local package cache), but even that would normally not hurt 
the image itself

- you are obviously loading lots of stuff: when this does not work, that is not 
'Pharo's fault', you should ask the people who wrote these libraries for help 
(maybe through this list); you can't call gcc crap or unstable when a certain 
library fails

- when you are reporting bugs and ask for help, you really have to bring your 
problem down to a simple test case that others can reproduce; even if people 
would want to help you, they cannot do so with these generalizations


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