And not to worry I won’t bother with discussing such issues again it’s
clear the community is unwilling to deal with such discussions. I have no
problem with that , it’s a free world.
On Tue, 10 Oct 2017 at 03:41, Dimitris Chloupis <>

> I never claimed that Python , which refers to CPython to the vast majority
> of python coders, is offering live coding out of the box. The fact that you
> have to reload modules manually would make such claims ridiculous.
> From the very first post I was crystal clear that there is a need for
> creating a library that handles live coding for you and gave general
> instructions of what this library will have to do.
> My claim is that Python and other languages CAN do live coding.
> I NEVER claimed also that Python is a live coding environment which it
> stores in an image format. In short Python IS NOT Pharo. Period.
> Can python reload modules ? Yes
> Can python trigger the debugger in case of error ? Yes
> Can python replace methods and variables during execution ? Yes
> Can python recompile individual methods and classes and replace their
> previous instances ? Yes
> Can python make you coffee ? Nope
> Etc etc
> Depending how deep you want to go live coding wise your live coding
> library will enlarge.
> From my experience around  100 lines of code are enough to offer most of
> Pharo’s basic live coding functionality. Such task that needs to happen
> only once and then simply reused in each project that wants to utilize live
> coding , for my standards it is easy. It won’t be easy for a beginner
> python coder cause he may not even know what OOP is. So obviously I am
> referring to experienced coders. It won’t be easy if you want to fully
> replicate Pharo’s live coding capabilities , because you will Definetly go
> way beyond 100 lines.
> I stated this before and I will state this again Pharo IS HANDS DOWN THE
> My point is that other languages CAN do what Pharo does. Even though they
> are NOT live coding environments. They just have the features to be live
> coding environments.
> Jython has had a lot of problems using CPython libraries, live coding is
> the least of its problems. This is the reason CPython has almost the
> monopoly of python coding.
> I just don’t like it when other languages are illustrated as garbage and
> Pharo as the holy grail. They all have their pros and cons.
> Can’t help with Jython , I used it on the premise that I may need Java
> libraries, I ended up finding what I wanted in CPython and have not touched
> it since.
> My post were not made to pick a fight but rather to inform and demolish
> the wrong assumptions that other languages CANNOT DO live coding.
> If we are to compare them the least we can do is do it in a fair and
> sincere way.
> On Mon, 9 Oct 2017 at 20:06, webwarrior <> wrote:
>> kilon.alios wrote
>> > Care to explain what difficulty you experienced in live coding with
>> > Python.
>> > Or what Pharo can do that Python can’t live code wise ? Maybe I will
>> learn
>> > something.
>> It's funny that one of main reasons why I discovered and started using
>> Pharo
>> was failure to get live coding working for Python (Jython in particular).
>> And now time after time kilon.alios states that live coding in Python is
>> "easy" and no big deal.
>> I will tell you, Pharoers, about code reloading in Python, and let you
>> decide for yourselves how it compares to Pharo.
>> Out of the box in Python you can execute some Python code and reload
>> modules
>> with reload() function.
>> What reload() does is it reads code from file (in Python each source file
>> corresponds to module), executes it, and replaces reference to [that
>> module]
>> in current module.
>> From that moment, any code in current module, when referencing reloaded
>> module, will point to new version of it.
>> All implicitly imported names will (like from foo import bar, from foo
>> import *, etc.) will point to old version. Also all other modules except
>> current will not be affected.
>> There are, however, third-party libraries, that take care of it.
>> But that's not all. All instances and subclasses of old classes will point
>> to old versions of classes.
>> To counter that, instead of replacing old module you could replace its
>> contents by newer variables/functions and patch classes by replacing their
>> contents.
>> Some third-party libraries do that.
>> That's still not all. If you store references to
>> functions/methods/classes,
>> that references will point to old versions.
>> reimport library takes care of that, but it uses implementation-specific
>> feature of CPython's GC, which lets you get all references to some object.
>> Unfortunately, it doesn't work in Jython, and probably in other
>> alternative
>> Python implementations.
>> But wait, what if you rename a class or function, or change its base
>> class(-es)?
>> You're out of luck. Theoretically you could handle such change if recent
>> code change consists of a single rename, but that's it.
>> I may have missed some other edge cases and haven't talked about tools
>> support, but I hope you get the idea.
>> --
>> Sent from:

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