2017-10-13 22:04 GMT+02:00 Andrew Glynn <aglyn...@gmail.com>:

> I understand why it occurs, both the private and the final keyword
> affect the reference rather than the object. However, to quote someone
> else "That the value of a private field can be changed without a public
> setter implies that encapsulation is weak at best, and shouldn't be
> counted on to protect key values, even in combination with the final
> keyword." Even that comment, though, brings in the notion of a 'value'
> that's not an object.

and who did you quote ?

> My point initially was not about the code, but about the Java API doc
> that also claims attempting to change the *value* will result in a compile
> error. Although keywords affect references, the documentation states
> that it affects 'the value', which is at best ambiguous.

I can not see what is wrong here.
You are problably confused by
- the value of a *variable*
- and the value an *object* represents (its object state)
the first can not be changed for a final variables
the last can only be preserved, if the object is immutable.

> There are also numerous issues around type erasure

... this seems a bit off topic

> I'd rather have *no* API documentation than documentation of the sort
> represented by the Java API doc.

I  think a java api doc like documentation would help.
For newcomers, that not yet know ( or know how to find) the in-image help.
And even so we can easily browse our code with comments and class comments,
an API-doc could provide the help from a different view (group by
collaboration rather
then by class hierarchy or packages), give an "overall" view or provide
additional code examples.

> Not that I think it's all
> intentional, though perhaps the primitives and scalars that are in fact
> objects

How are java primitives "in fact" objects ? They are "in fact" primitives.
This is different from
smalltakl where some *objects* like Smallinteger are implemented as
primitives (or immediates)
but still objects on the (smalltalk) code level.

> and collections may have been to muffle wailing from C/C++
> programmers that the lack of primitives and scalars would kill
> performance. I suspect it's more often a result of unsuccessfully
> mode-switching, though, between the rules of the language you're
> implementing and those of the language you're implementing *in*, but that
> only makes the case for languages implemented in themselves stronger.
> Andrew
> -----Original Message-----
> Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2017 18:39:59 +0200
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Behold Pharo: The Modern Smalltalk
> To: Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>
> Reply-to: Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-
> us...@lists.pharo.org>
> From: Nicolai Hess <nicolaih...@gmail.com>
> Am 13.10.2017 5:50 PM schrieb "Andrew Glynn" <aglyn...@gmail.com>:
> I can't remember ever using API docs in any language, dynamic or not.
> They give you the method signatures, but if you have, say, methodX(int,
> int, String), how are you supposed to guess what ints and what String
> the method actually needs,
> Isn't this exactly what an apidoc is for? Additional documentation to
> describe the methods and   arguments purpose.
> Maybe you have just seen poorly documented libraries?
> One of my favourite language fails can be reproduced by doing this:
> Declare a field private final in Java, initializing it either in the
> declaration or the constructor, and provide only a getter. Use the getter
> from another class and change the value of the local variable. Then use the
> getter again, but assign the value to a new local variable, and check the
> value.
> Maybe you should re-read about javas  final keyword.
> It is not to meant making something immutable ,
> you can just not reassign a new value.
> Java final != c++ const

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