Well technically this is easy to do with Morphic. Probably Spec 2. Doing it
from inside the Pharo window will give you the ability to demonstrate live
code and Morphic is live code.

If you don’t want to do everything with Morphic you can create this in any
app of your choosing , export to images and have Morphic load those images.
I don’t see why this would take more than a couple of hours to prepare ,
the actual Morphic code should not take more than 20 minutes.

It a simple case of a SystemWindowMorph embedding a couple of button morph
(for going forward and backward) and an ImageMorph. Plus a timer if you
want the slides to proceed automatically.

If you feel adventurous you can do this entirely on Morphic , again should
not take you more than two hours total together with content creation.
TextMorph should be more than enough.

I would have said use Pillar but in this case it’s an overkill and Pillar
does not allow for the precise positioning of images like Morphic does.
On Wed, 1 Nov 2017 at 20:35, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:

> Hi - has anyone made anything where you can create a full screen
> presentation in Pharo with slides with some large text, bullet points and
> embedded pictures - but then it’s a facade that lets you evaluate items in
> the slide or jump to any code mentioned?
> Sort of like what Alan Kay does in the eToys images?
> I need to do a presentation next week and I always loved it when I was
> fooled into thinking I was looking at a static’ish powerpoint and then
> suddenly realised it was a live environment.
> It doesn’t sound that hard to do something simple - but I’m not sure if I
> can pull it off in time for my presentation. But am curious if we have
> something.
> (For bonus points, GT-Spotter stuff would work in it over top of the
> presentation to demonstrate simple things)
> Tim

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