On 03/11/17 12:33, Tim Mackinnon wrote:
Cool - great minds think alike ;)


In your photo - there is keynote, are you creating there and then rendering in 
Pharo - or are you exporting to keynote to had out afterwards?

That was the first experiment. I took a slide from a keynote presentation I have made and tried reproducing it in Bloc. The quality of the graphics and typographical support is now good enough to do that.
It is a page from

I'm not yet sure how I'd want it integrated with gtInspector, how to have a slide-specific DSL and what kind of storage format to use.

My Bloc experiments on vimeo are helping me test hypotheses on how I'd want to work with it. Last week I was distracted by private reasons, the weeks before that with PharoLauncher, P3, Iceberg...

Interaction between text areas and drag and drop was not yet working as I wanted it to.

Earlier experiments I've done with a glamour based browser, including exercises where save would recompile a method and show the results


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