Cool - great minds think alike ;)

In your photo - there is keynote, are you creating there and then rendering in 
Pharo - or are you exporting to keynote to had out afterwards?

I was thinking of a little tool palette to let you drop some text and pick some 
images and store it in pages (like Stef has started doing). I wanted to be able 
to evaluate expressions in this text to show things in a presentation, and 
possibly embed methods etc.

As everyone has said, its not rocket science but there is a bit to get right 
(and doing it in Bloc is actually a very good idea BTW).


> On 3 Nov 2017, at 11:11, stephan <> wrote:
> On 01-11-17 19:35, Tim Mackinnon wrote:
>> Hi - has anyone made anything where you can create a full screen 
>> presentation in Pharo with slides with some large text, bullet points and 
>> embedded pictures - but then it’s a facade that lets you evaluate items in 
>> the slide or jump to any code mentioned?
> That is a project I've been toying with in Bloc. Next week is definitely too 
> early.
> Stephan
> <https:__pbs.twimg.com_media_DI4w6UcWsAAXfbC.jpg>

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