I wrote this a few month ago for the db comparaison. It's simple and you can 
easily add to it:

As for PHP my reasons are:
* No need to typecast which makes it easier to code.
* You can have multi-dimensional multi-cast arrays which in many case can do 
instead of objects.
* It's nothing to learn if you already know a modular language (pascal, c, 
* It types easily within your html code and it is extremelly readable 
(although you can put some effort into making it hard to read).
* No need to compile.
* It's open source
* You can compile it with Apache and with your specs.
* Many interesting module available (like Ming)
* It's very portable.
* It's widely present on web server.
* It has easy communications with databases, ftp, remote ip files, mail...
* It has great support and online reference.
* It is very well maintained.
* Lot's of sample code on the web to look at.
And I probably forget a lot

On Thursday 15 November 2001 12:53 pm, Sheridan Saint-Michel wrote:
> I use PHP/MySQL for a few reasons.
> 1) Ease of Use - I am a Computer Science student and a Web Programmer.  As
> such have been exposed to a wide variety of programming languages and
> environments.  PHP/MySQL is one of the easiest to work with and learn, and
> is THE easiest to do Web related things with (and yes, I have used and am
> including ASP in that statement).
> 2) Availability - By this I mean not only that both PHP and MySQL are free
> (which is a big factor for us starving student types), but that they setup
> very easily on a variety of platforms.  This means I can test scripts on a
> copy of the MySQL DB from my Linux Server on my windows box before
> uploading them.
> 3) Support - Both PHP and MySQL have very good Manuals which are very
> easily accessable (both online and downloadable).  In addition, I have
> received extremely valuable help from the PHP mailling lists on both PHP
> and MySQL questions.  In most cases I have gotten faster and better
> responses than I get from professors at school (who I am asking things
> concerning their class...not PHP  =P ) who I am paying to teach me.  That
> alone is quite a strong arguement.
> 4) Good Balance between Flexibility and Readability - In PERL they have a
> saying "There's More Than One Way To Do It".  I think this is a good
> philosophy, but PERL takes this to more of an extreme than I like (this is
> not to say that this extreme is not right for some people).  When I read
> through a 50 line program in a language that I am fairly skilled at I
> shouldn't have to refer to the manual more than say a dozen times...right?
> In Perl I often find myself having to refer to manuals a dozen times for
> two or three lines!  For example:
> perl -we '$_ = q ?4a75737420616e6f74686572205065726c204861636b65720as?;??;
>           for (??;(??)x??;??)
>               {??;s;(..)s?;qq ?print chr 0x$1 and \161 ss?;excess;??}'
> Any idea what that one does?  Without running it?  Paste it into a
> terminal... it should run as is (does on my Linux box with PERL 5 anyway).
> On the other hand, having to write in languages where you have strict types
> (You want to treat a variable as an int and then as a string?!?!?!?) and
> very structured design is just as distasteful to me.  PHP strikes a very
> good balance between the two even when working with MySQL (I won't paste
> any of the kludge needed to interface with CGI and DB in other languages...
> but if you have some free time look some of these programs up).
> Sheridan Saint-Michel
> Website Administrator
> FoxJet, an ITW Company
> www.foxjet.com
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "søren eriksen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 2:34 PM
> Subject: [PHP-DB] Why use MySQL with PHP
> > Hi everybody
> > I'm writing a synopsis about PHP and mySQL.
> > I'm hoping someone can help me, and tell me why
> > the combination og PHP and MySQL is so common.
> > What makes MySQL such a good choice when using PHP?
> > What seperates MySQL from others dbms?
> > -Søren Eriksen-
> >
> >
> > --
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