The issue with the phpclasses repository is that none of the classes really
'work together' much like the Java and .NET classes.  As you have known, was a project I started awhile back to do such a framework
(well, actually a lot of subframeworks meshed into one).  Nonetheless, this
hasn't happened with PHP.  Also, the people who submit to
don't have to be super architects.  This is good and bad.  The bad thing is,
many of the classes there aren't as good as they could be because 1 mind was
behind the wheel and lots of times the classes even brake standard OO design
heuristics.  When someone with a lot of design experience looks at the
classes, they say, "hmm.. i wonder if all the work done on PHP is this
questionable.".  You can't wind everyone, but not too much work has been
done to make solid OO frameworks and tools.  I tried.. but the project is
too damn big.

I don't think it has too much to do with bad Fame.  For instance, several
large companies still use php, including the work I did on altavista and
Rackspace and audiogalaxy use PHP as well.  Sure, more well known sites that
use PHP would increase its popularity, but what I really think is that PHP
needs a real platform that makes it even faster to develop websites and
client-side tools - or it's going to fall behind.  It's really as simple as

Ken Egervari

----- Original Message -----
From: "Manuel Lemos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ken Egervari" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 7:00 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] The PHP Platform

> Hello,
> Ken Egervari wrote:
> >
> > I'd have to agree with Dave.  PHP is too far behind and for those that
> > didn't agree with earlier post that started this entire topic about
> > developing a a PHP Platform, this is the reality that we all face.  I
> > one have been using Java and .Net for all my applications now.  PHP just
> > doesn't come into the picture any longer.  I can't see any performance
> > coding time benefits that justify using it.  The fact that I write
> > in Java and 20x more people can make use of it is even more gratifying.
> > long as PEAR being around?  Maybe not nearly enough as Java, but don't
> You are touching a sensitive key. PEAR aimed to be like CPAN but since
> contributing is reserved to a few privileged minds, there is no
> adherence to it.
> OTOH, anybody contribute for instance to the PHP Classes repository,
> just like to CPAN. The advantage against CPAN is that the PHP Classes
> repository assures an guaranteed audience of tens of thousands of PHP
> users that are eager to learn abour new classes. Here you may see the
> stats about over 32.000 users that get notifications about all the new
> content in there:
> > have a great collections framework, lack of standard xml parsers and
> > tools to make our coding easier.  I'm a convert I suppose.  I'm loosing
> > everyday as I see PHP code already in production and that I can't take
> > facilities of .NET or Java as a whole.  It's sad really that the PHP
> > community isn't large enough to keep up.  I too how ze2 will justify any
> > code i've written, but I look now upon it as a very large waste.  It's
> > unfortunate.
> Too bad people are addressing the wrong problem. The greatest appeal of
> Java and .Net for many companies is that unlike with PHP, they offer
> more perspectives of profiting from investing on them. PHP has the bad
> fame of being something that only poor people use. You don't see big
> names being advertised to use PHP that would clear that bad fame of PHP.
> Regards,
> Manuel Lemos

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