PO>> Yes, phpfunc updates daily and that is good (although it continues 
PO>> to say last updated sept. 22).  There are documented functions 

Sept. 22 is code update date (i.e., that's the last time the file 
structure, etc. changed). I think there indeed needs to be something more 
clear to state this.

PO>>   Old:  en/functions/{extension}.xml
PO>>   New:  en/reference/{extension}/functions/{function}.xml
PO>> It sounds like this is where the problem lives.  As a reference, 
PO>> glob() was initially documented about six months ago and sha1() 
PO>> about six days.

Oh. Now I see. So each function now has one individual file? I guess that 
requires update to phpfunc module. I will check into this.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer   
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