That was quite a funny way of putting it (it did make me literally laugh out loud a bit), but I have to agree :)

Either way, as Sterling pointed out and I pointed out a few days ago, this +-N is really nothing but an 'I (strongly) (dis)agree', and it is in no way a voting system. That's one of the key reasons I try to avoid using it, and stick to the lengthy spelled-out sentence.


At 02:35 19/12/2002, Sascha Schumann wrote:
On 18 Dec 2002, Xavier Spriet wrote:

> Well it's up to whoever has karma to make that decision.
> People can give their opinion obviously but shouldn't expect to actually
> make the decision.

    That's the problem with the current state of PHP development.
    Too many people think that their opinion actually matters.

    - Sascha

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