I'm going to be controversial here and take issue with both of you.

1. The original question was about a hosting provider. Presumably a PHP web 
hosting provider.  So it is vaguely on-topic and is a question that's asked a 
lot.  It's easy to get a list of hosting providers online, but I believe the 
intent was to ask for people's opinions on providers they've used and to give 
testimonials (which you won't always find on hosting lists).

2. Pointing out someone's signature as being off topic is even further off 
topic for this list. Please take personal issues into private email.  I bring 
it up publicly as a reminder of proper list etiquette for anyone who happens to 
be reading this thread and to discourge this from going any further publicly.

Now.. back to the original question.

If the original poster (Roman) would take a look at the list of ISP and ISP 
directories at the bottom of the following page, he should find a good starting 
place for his search:


Myself, I've used Dixiesys.com and Dotster.com when I havn't been playing with 
my own server or something internal to whatever company I happened to be 
working for.

Dixie is a small operation that served me very well for quite a while and stil 
has some features that I miss.  They have very personal support (even an IM and 
IRC point of contact pretty much 24/7).

Dotster actually has a pretty nice and affordable setup.  They let me put all 
my domains under one hosting umbrella and share storage space and bandwidth.  
That's something I was looking for and has saved me a lot of money by letting 
me have one hosting package for as many domains as I care to register.

I personally don't have any mailing list requirements so can't really speak on 
that if that's one of your big "needs", but keep looking and checking features. 
 Hopefully you'll find what you need.


= = = Original message = = =

At 7:29 PM +0000 12/18/06, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
># [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2006-12-18 08:56:09 -0600:
>>  Someone can recomend me a good host provider, with good stability, good
>>  support, good features, and no limitation in the use of a list of
>>  members...?
>Mailing list hosting queries are OT on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>How many Vietnam vets does it take to screw in a light bulb?
>You don't know, man.  You don't KNOW.
>Cause you weren't THERE.             http://bash.org/?255991

I certainly don't find his post as off-topic as your signature. As a 
Vietnam Vet, I think we've taken enough bashing from people like you. 
Considering that you wouldn't say that face-to-face to a Vietnam 
Veteran speaks volumes about you.

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