Hello everyone,

I need help with the following query.

I have a table with a column named 'RISK_LEVEL'.
RISK_LEVEL can hold three values: Low, Moderate, and High.

I need a query that counts the number of occurences of each option.
Now, I know I can do

'select count(risk_level) as levelCount where risk_level=low'

for each level (low, moderate, and high). But, I was wondering if there's
anyway to merge the queries into one.

I'm looking for something like

"select count(risk_level='low') as lowCount, count(risk_level='moderate')as
modCount, count(risk_level='high') as highCount "

Which will return, lowCount = 1 , modCount=3, and highCount=1, for table

 id | risk_level
 1  | low
 2  | moderate
 3  | moderate
 4  | high
 5  | moderate

How do you do it? Can tha be done?

When I run the code above, I get the same number for each record. i.e.
lowCount, modCount, and highCount all come out to 5--which is the number
of records in the table.

Is this possible, or should I just run multiple queries?
Please help.

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