Hi Jannick,
Just have a private Drafts folder no visible to other Users.  Then when you
are ready to commit, you can 'move to pending to commit' and from there you
can commit your files. As anonymous If you don't have credentials you can
'move to patch' and if you want to keep your Drafts folder for the next
time, you can ask the user for the E-Mail address.


2010/4/13 yannick <yannick.tor...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> I'm not sure this is the best way to take your attention, but let's try ;)
> I have some new improvement in mind to PhDOE (the online editor for the
> documentation) and I just want to discuss with you about its.
> *Using the status option in Rev tag*
> We use this tag to our translated page to follow the revision :
> <!-- EN-Revision: 288721 Maintainer: yannick Status: ready -->
> Actually, the editor don't use this option of the revcheck tag.
> He can take ready when the file is ready on in_progress, for example, when
> the
> translator save the documentation, but there is steel some work on it.
> After some use of the editor, I see some translator who save her document
> before all work on it was done. Later, he continue to work one, save it
> again,
> and commit it. This practice is correct but the document, when saved,
> appears
> in pendingCommit module of the editor.
> So, I just want to allow translators to save his current work, but wait
> until
> his finish to appear in pendingCommit.
> According to me, we can imagine 2 ways to solve this :
> => Use the Status option in revcheck's tag. When it is in others values
> than
> "ready", the save action put the file in a new module "in progress", who
> occurs
> exactly the same as pendingCommit. When the document is save again and the
> status is "ready", it appears into pendingCommit.
> => Identical as the above, but it steel appears into pendingCommit in an
> other
> background color, for example. And we can't commit it. This solution don't
> introduce a new module.
> *Introduce a new check for errors : check example syntax*
> I have already include some of scripts that I found into /doc-base/scripts/
> into  the editor, as check_entities, check_doc, for example.
> I see a script allowing to check some syntax's error into examples of the
> documentation. First, I just want to now if this sound a good idea to
> include
> it too ! Second, when I read the actual script (if you want to quickly view
> it, use this link : http://svn.php.net/viewvc/phpdoc/doc-
> base/trunk/scripts/check-examples.php?view=markup ), I see a list of
> example
> who isn't "normally" correct. As the editor is intended to be
> multi-project, I
> would just suggest to put a tag directly into an "incorrect example" as
> this :
> //@syntax_error
> As it, we can know there is a "bad" example and don't include it into the
> report.
> *Completely useless, therefore, essential ! Include a chat into the editor*
> We have discuss on it on IRC. It was a joke first, and a "why not" idea in
> a
> second time ;) We can imagine 2 ways to include a chat into the online
> editor.
> => Connect to an IRC channel : Derrick point me a project name
> http://phergie.org/. We can imagine to include it into the editor to allow
> a
> discussion between editor's user and IRC user (like #php.doc channel, for
> example).
> => Simply use an interface like Facebook and BDD in background. As in
> Facebook, we can imagine a bottom bar to pop-up discussion between two
> current
> users of the editor.
> So. Here is just some idea who I would like to have your impression before
> I
> start coding.
> The first idea is to make a great tool to allow the documentation team to
> work
> more effectively, in En, but in others languages too.
> So, if you have others ideas, please, express them here !
> After all of that, I need some help too : If you want help me to :
> * make documentation on php's wiki ( http://wiki.php.net/doc/editor )
> * make documentation directly into code source
> * translate this app into your own language
> feel free to discuss it with me.
> Regards,
> Yannick

Yago Ferrer

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