2010/9/28 Алексей Шеин <con...@gmail.com>:
> Hello!
> My name is Shein Alexey, I'd like to contribute to russian translation
> of php manual.
> A little about myself: I'm experienced php developer (but
> unfortunately without any C skills :)) and linux user, I'm using
> Ubuntu right now.
> I've read doc-howto but never worked before with DocBook so I'd like
> to get a little help.
> I did
> 1) svn co http://svn.php.net/repository/phpdoc/modules/doc-ru phpdoc-ru
> 2) installed phd
> 3) tried to find outdated files here
> http://doc.php.net/php/ru/revcheck.php?dir=1&p=files, it seems that
> preface.xml in the root dir is outdated, so I'd like to work on it
> 4) here I'm stuck. How to view changes between russian and english
> versions that need to be translated? Documentation mentioned some
> script diff_en_rev.php but it seems it works with CVS, isn't it
> outdated?
> Thank you.
> --
> Regards,
> Shein Alexey

Hello, Alexey!

First of all, every file in the Russian translation contains (or
should contain) a line like this:
<! EN-Revision: 288721 Maintainer:........
This means that the Russian file corresponds to the English file of
revision 288721.
Let's suppose that the English file has been updated and has now
revision 297028.
Now you need to see the differences in the English file between
revisions 288721 and 297028.

Do the following at step 3 :

[u...@box phpdoc-ru]$ php doc-base/scripts/revcheck.php ru > revcheck.html

This command will generate a file named "revcheck.html". Open it in a browser.
It contains a richer table with outdated files. And beside every
outdated file there is a link [NoWS] which opens you a side-by-side
view with the differences in the English file.

Now you need to make the changes in the Russian file and in the end
change the number in the line "<! EN-Revision:".

Commit the file to SVN. That's it.

Good luck!


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