2010/10/6 Hannes Magnusson <hannes.magnus...@gmail.com>:
> On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 08:15, Alexey Shein <con...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2010/10/5 Simion Onea <simio...@gmail.com>:
>>> Greetings, Alexey!
>>> Yes, it's definitely ok to contact Antony Dovgal directly. But he
>>> should have seen your message sent to the mailing list. Maybe he is
>>> away for the moment.
> He is.. Busy with 'other things' these days :) - Doubt he will get
> back to translating any time in the near future.

I've just get a response from him in doc-ru list, first will try to
get some info from him there.

>>> If you still don't receive any replies from other translators, you can
>>> start working on the translation (update the obsolete files) and when
>>> you have 2-3 files ready, present them to this mailing list
>>> (phpdoc@lists.php.net) and one of the SVN administrators (Philip or
>>> Hannes or somebody else) will grant you commit rights to the Russian
>>> translation.
>>> I did this procedure when I started working on the Romanian translation.
>> I think it would be better for me to continue translation so somebody
>> will appear eventually.
>>> I suggest to start with "language-defs.ent", "language-snippets.ent"
>>> and other files in the base directory since they are most important.
>> My thoughts were the same, so I've already done with language-defs.ent
>> and currently work on language-snippets.ent, I'll post my work here
>> when I'll be done if nobody answers on the doc-ru list.
> Great \o/
> Like Simion said, starting with the .ent files is usually the first step.
> You mention the build is br0ken.. You may need some help fixing that
> (depending on how old the translation is).
> If you aren't experienced with Docbook and the toolchain, its probably
> easier if someone else helps you out there.
> If you are on IRC, #php.doc on EFNet could prove helpful there :)

Ok, I'm there, my nickname is confik.

> Once the build has been fixed you could start using the online editor,
> see http://edit.php.net

I've seen some unapproved patches there, it seems somebody with RU
karma should see it there.

> If you are really serious in working on the translation, then
> approving your SVN account and granting karma will not be a problem.
> Do note though; The documentation is.. huuuuge. It is a massive work,
> so we definitely recommend that you try to organize some group of
> people to work it (tip: contact your local user group?).

I'm serious but for now I'm alone. I'll try to connect with Eugene
Syuzev, he sent some patches this spring, maybe he will want to help
more. I'll also want to write an open letter to russian php community
on habrahabr.ru site (russian analog of techcrunch.com), hope there
will be some people that want to help us.

> The Spanish translation out-of-the-blue became very active recently,
> simply because Yago (CCed) took control leading the effort.
> You could poke him to get some tips :)

It would be just great if he shares his experience.

> -Hannes
Shein Alexey

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