2010/11/21 Ferenc Kovacs <tyr...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi, Tyrael,
>> Russian translation (and me) still at the very beginning, it seems
>> that Anthony Dovgal (maintainer) lost interest to the translation, so
>> for now I'm the only one (highlander ;)). We went the second way -
>> Philip and Anthony helped to fix the build, fortunately, it wasn't so
>> much files to delete. BTW, don't throw away old translation, I've
>> found that there can be up to 80% of up-to-date/useful data,
>> especially it counts for large files (RU is about 2 years old). Start
>> from language-snippets.ent - this is one of the main, big (and
>> often-changeable) files.
> Hi, thanks for the reply.
> So you fixed the builds with deleting the broken files?

Yes. Don't copypaste english content because absent files are replaced
by original english ones in the build automatically. So you can track
them as "untranslated" and not stale/critical ones.

> I will check the language-snippets.ent, thanks for the tip.
>> About tools. There is one great script, which I'm generally working
>> with, called doc-base/scripts/revcheck.php, so it can show all state
>> of the translation, for now I'm working on stale/semi-translated files
>> and tracking progress with report generated by this script.
>> Also I borrowed some xml checking tools from online interface
>> (edit.php.net, section "Errors" on the left) and improved it so it
>> checks automatically all svn-modified files in your working copy.
>> They're by all means not complete, may contain errors (feedback is
>> appreciated) and were tested only on my Ubuntu box, but they serve a
>> good job for me and may be would be useful for you too.
>> I tried to put all tools together in a Phing script
>> (http://phing.info/docs/guide/stable/), you can find it here:
>> https://github.com/conf/phpdoc-scripts. If you don't familiar with git
>> just download the archive, and put its contents into your svn module
>> (I tried to keep its structure as close as possible).
>> As Yago said you will need people, as docs are huge, I'm going to
>> search some too in the near future, I'm just quite busy at work for
>> now.
> Thanks, I read about the revcheck, I will check that, and your tools, thanks
> for sharing.
>> That's all what I had to say. Good luck to you!
> Thanks, you too.
> On the sidenote: I've had some time on this weekend (family visit, without
> internet :/), so I started playing with the hungarian build:
> I started with a partial build (with the "manual" id) with the fewer
> affected files, and fixed the errors, there were some constants which
> changed, but there were cases where the whole structure is changed and I had
> to copypaste the english counterpart to fix it, but maybe it would be a
> better idea, to delete the files, I will check that.
> In the process I figured out, that the hungarian docs are still in
> iso-8859-2, so I have to write a script for replacing that in the xml, and
> iconv-ing the content of the files.
> and the other problem that many/most of the files didn't have the english
> revision id, so I cannot easily check, wich files changed the most, I don't
> want manually compare them with the english docs, but maybe thats the best.

In ru translation it seems everywhere noted CVS revision and not svn
(unfortunate cvs2svn migration?) and I have to compare every file with
its english original, this is the most stable method. Try also seeing
translation errors on https://edit.php.net, it allows anonymous login.

> I think I have to create a fork for hungarian repository somewhere, else I
> can't create separate patches for the modifications without commit access.

Why not? Make a patch via svn diff and send it to the mailing list so
somebody with commit rights can apply it or here if you're alone.

> I will try to fix the build errors with the least modification, and do some
> easy but must have steps (iso-8859-2 -> utf-8), and that patches hopefully
> will be enough for the commit access.
> Btw: what are the requirements for getting back to the available
> documentation?
> So what needs to be done, before we can see the hungarian documentation on
> the php.net site again?
It's easy, just hack Philip's account and make some changes here:
:)) Talking seriously, I'd also to know answer at this question, at
least your build should compile and have some percents translated. All
I know that it switched up manually "when it's done".

> Tyrael

Shein Alexey

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