On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 23:55, Richard Quadling <rquadl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 21 February 2011 21:26, Hannes Magnusson <hannes.magnus...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 15:02, Richard Quadling <rquadl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 21 February 2011 08:01, Hannes Magnusson <hannes.magnus...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 18:06, Richard Quadling <rquadl...@gmail.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> The all.bz2 file only contains 1 file called 'all'.
>>>> Is it actually still being generated? I suspect that it may no longer
>>>> be the case..
>>>>> And that file has to then be chopped up by PHP to make it useful.
>>>>> Or does the rsync process copy an uncompressed usernotes directory?
>>>> That depends on what rsync process you mean..
>>>> The CHM generation happens on oti1.php.net, which only has a checkout
>>>> of phpdoc-all
>>>> The user notes would be fetched from your local neighborhood mirror
>>>> /backend/notes.bz2 if its still being generated.
>>>> After the chm build has been finished the file gets copied to
>>>> rsync.php.net, then a quick sanitycheck of it is done before copied
>>>> into the proper rsync space for mirrors to retrieve.
>>>> -Hannes
>>> http://www.php.net/backend/notes/ seems to be updated every 2 hours.
>>> If /backend/notes/xx is rsync'd then there is no need to deal with bz2 at 
>>> all.
>> You'll need to fetch it from 'your nearest mirror', the windows chm
>> box doesn't use rsync to retrieve data (and shouldn't).
>>> To that end, I'd like to propose a small change to PhD and the role of
>>> --output-dir.
>>> Currently ...
>> [..]
>>> My proposal is that the output directory will automatically include
>>> the language as a subdirectory.
>> Thats gonna break other apps.
>> Why not just change the arguments past to --output?
>> Would be very simple change in the build-chms.bat script
>> -Hannes
> OK, so no PhD mods for pathing.
> Would putting the usernotes into %TEMP%/usernotes be OK/suitable? If I
> put the usernotes into the same directory as --output-dir, then after
> every language, I'll have to download and unpack the notes again as
> build-chms.php wipes out the last lot of work.

I'm getting confused in all the comments on
but whats wrong with using PATH_DOC . '\\tmp\\' ?
It only removed PATH_DOC/tmp/<lang> afaict.

Other then that, I don't think anyone cares where that specific file
is located during the build :]
Heck, that build script even hardcodes craploads of paths on the
buidbox, so a new define for it to ~foobar/Desktop would even be fine


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