Hello all,

As a side note, I think the output file should be renamed to 
php_manual_notes_*.chm instead of the current php_enhanced_manual_*.chm for a 
few reasons:

 - It better describes the file
 - It's closer to the old name
 - It's similar to the standard php_manual_*.chm

Also, I implemented it into svn/web/php/trunk by simply adding '(with user 
notes)' to the CHM download description, so:

 - HTML Help file
 - HTML Help file (with user notes)

Also, while the PhD name "EnhancedCHM" is true, I prefer NotesCHM because 
that's all it does. And if something crazy happens in the future with 
alternative chm options, I imagine we'll still want to offer a simple chm with 


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