> The Palm OS 4.0 based devices need some changes to the pilot-link core
> to work properly.  This includes the recent Palm m devices and most Sony
> Clié USB devices.  If you want to use these devices right now on Linux,
> you need to use coldsync.
Hi all.

I have a Palm m500 (USB port), but I cannot sinchronize to my PC using
either coldsync or pilot-link. I'm emulating a serial port by including the 
visor drive into my Kernel. The /var/log/messages file shows the device
is attached to the /dev/ttyUSB0 and /dev/ttyUSB1 ports when I press 
the HotSync button. However, coldsync and pilot-link just stay there 
waiting for something else.

These are the steps I performed:

1) Pressing HotSync button in my cradle

2) bash# cat /var/log/messages

Nov 20 13:48:22 ggg kernel: hub.c: USB new device connect on bus1/1
ed device number 4
Nov 20 13:48:22 ggg kernel: Manufacturer: Palm, Inc.
Nov 20 13:48:22 ggg kernel: Product: Palm Handheld
Nov 20 13:48:22 ggg kernel: SerialNumber: 1233H678H9872
Nov 20 13:48:22 ggg kernel: usbserial.c: Palm M500 converter detect
Nov 20 13:48:22 ggg kernel: visor.c: Palm M500: Number of ports: 2
Nov 20 13:48:22 ggg kernel: visor.c: Palm M500: port 1, is for Gene
and is bound to ttyUSB0
Nov 20 13:48:22 ggg kernel: visor.c: Palm M500: port 2, is for HotS
and is bound to ttyUSB1
Nov 20 13:48:22 ggg kernel: usbserial.c: Palm M500 converter now at
o ttyUSB0 (or usb/tts/0 for devfs)
Nov 20 13:48:22 ggg kernel: usbserial.c: Palm M500 converter now at
o ttyUSB1 (or usb/tts/1 for devfs)

3) bash# coldsync -p /dev/ttyUSB1      
  Please press the HotSync button.  

After the third step nothing happens. Coldsync goes into an infinite loop, and
I have to press CONTRL+C to cancel it. The Palm Hotsync software complains
much earlier saying it could not stabilish a connection.

4) bash# cat /
Nov 20 13:49:25 ggg kernel: usb.c: USB disconnect on device 4
Nov 20 13:49:25 ggg kernel: usbserial.c: Palm M500 converter now disconnected 
from ttyUSB0
Nov 20 13:49:25 ggg kernel: usbserial.c: Palm M500 converter now 
disconnected from ttyUSB1


Some other things I tried and did not work:
  * Experimenting an older kernel (2.4.7).
  * Reducing the connection speed in the Palm (Hotsync->Options->Connection 
     Setup->Cradle/Cable->Edit->Details...->Speed). I tried 56Kbs and 9.6Kbs.
  * Removing the password assing to the Palm. 
  * Trying not to press <ENTER> twice when running coldsync or   
    pilot-link (I read something about this in a discussion list...).
  * Writing a letter to Santa Claus asking for my Palm and my Linux PC be
     friends. (Maybe I have to wait until Dec 26 to receive it!). :-)

Well, my question is: has anyone been able to synchronize a Palm m500
with Linux? If positive, can you post in this list a step-by-step instruction
about how to do it? 

Just in case it can help: I'm using a laptop Inspiron 8000, 2 USB ports, 
Linux Slackware 8 with the newest kernel (2.4.14) . I'm running
coldsync and pilot-sync as root. Both pieces of software present
the same problem (they wait for the Hotsync button to be pressed again,
but there is nothing I can do to move out of this state).

Any help?


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