----- Original Message -----
From: "Joao Ribeiro" <jribe...@greco.com.br>
> > Oh, Joao, since you're from Brazil, you might also enjoy the following
> > from the same source:
> > "A Use for that Last Cup of Coffee: Film and Paper Development " or  how
to process
> > your prints in coffee!
> > http://www.rit.edu/~andpph/text-coffee.html

> I saw this article but never gave it a try. I wouldn't develop my films
with it but
> paper prints, why not?
> I've been using coffee as a toner for a while now,

Oh, a very hot and comforting "cafezinho" from Brazil is what I need to
"tone" the gray days we are having here in the east of Canada.  Winter just
started officially this morning, but we have couple of very snowy weeks, so


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