As of revision 11588, the -eofill command-line option has been
implemented.  It is currently honored by the xwin, svg, qt, and cairo
device drivers.

Normally all the devices associated with the above device drivers use
the nonzero fill rule for fills of self-intersecting boundaries like
you get for example 27.  However, for these devices if you use the
-eofill option, e.g.,

examples/c/x27c -dev xcairo -eofill

then plsc->dev_eofill is set to 1, and the various device drivers
above use the the evenodd fill rule for self-intersecting
boundaries like occur, e.g., in example 27.

For the wingcc device, I believe you need to call the SetPolyFillMode
Function ( to
set up either the oddeven (ALTERNATE) or nonzero (WINDING) fill modes
for self-intersecting boundaries.  Could somebody with access to
windows implement one of the two possible calls of SetPolyFillMode
depending on the value of pls->dev_eofill (set by the -eofill option)?

If Windows uses the same fill algorithm as X (which is entirely
possible since X has been around for years and anybody can use that
MIT-licensed code for virtually anything they like), then that
ALTERNATE (evenodd) fill mode (currently the default when
SetPolyFillMode is not called) would show terrible-looking results 
(no fills at all for pages 11-13, many missing fill regions and some
regions filled that shouldn't be for the subsequent pages) for the
fill pages of example 27.  For the conditions stated, the WINDING fill
mode would show much better looking results (good results for pages
11-13, modest but incorrect results [asymmetries] for pages 14 and higher).

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state implementation
for stellar interiors (; PLplot scientific plotting software
package (; the libLASi project (; the Loads of
Linux Links project (; and the Linux Brochure Project

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