Now I forget MSVC 2013
My cmake version is 3.1.2.
I have build all versions DEBUG MinSizeRel Release RelWithDebInfo with 
Windows 7-64 bits and MSVC 2012 Win64 bits
I have build too with Windows 7-64 bits but with MSVC 2012-32bits
CMakeCache.txt is
# EXTERNAL cache entries

//Add extra source-tree consistency checking targets that require
// special tools

//Build doxygen documentation

//Build Hershey fonts?

//Build shared libraries

//Compile examples in the build tree and enable ctest

//Build the testing tree.

Always results is
 >test_plbuf.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external _plsc
: fatal error LNK1120: 1 externes non résolus

With a no shared lib and with Windows 7-64 bits and MSVC 2012 Win64 bits:
# EXTERNAL cache entries

//Add extra source-tree consistency checking targets that require
// special tools

//Build doxygen documentation

//Build Hershey fonts?

//Build shared libraries

//Compile examples in the build tree and enable ctest

//Build the testing tree.

there is no error
1>  Building Custom Rule F:/Lib/test/plplot-plplot/examples/c/CMakeLists.txt
1>  CMake does not need to re-run because 
is up-to-date.
1>  test_plbuf.c
1>F:\Lib\test\plplot-plplot\examples\c\test_plbuf.c(69): warning C4101: 
'ver' : variable locale non référencée
1>  test_plbuf.vcxproj -> 
========== Régénération globale : 1 a réussi, 0 a échoué, 0 a été ignoré 
========== (1 success)

Le 17/03/2015 23:49, Alan W. Irwin a écrit :
> On 2015-03-17 22:38+0100 laurent Berger wrote:
>> with VS2013 like yesterday there is no problem but same error (like 
>> vs2012) is in test_plbuf project
>> 1>  Building Custom Rule 
>> F:/Lib/test/plplot-plplot/examples/c/CMakeLists.txt
>> 1>  CMake does not need to re-run because 
>> F:\Lib\test\plplot-plplot\build\examples\c\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp 
>> is up-to-date.
>> 1>  test_plbuf.c
>> 1>F:\Lib\test\plplot-plplot\examples\c\test_plbuf.c(69): warning 
>> C4101: 'ver' : variable locale non référencée
>> 1>test_plbuf.obj : error LNK2001: symbole externe non résolu plsc 
>> (unresolved external symbol plsc)
>> I have investigate this error :
>> plsc is defined at line 167 of plplotp.h : extern PLDLLIMPEXP_DATA( 
>> PLStream * ) plsc;
>> Hence I have append Preprocessor definition USINGDLL and plsc is 
>> resolved now.
>> **************************
>> With error preprocessor definition are :
>> ***************************
>> without error preprocessor definition are :
> Hi laurant:
> We use the following cmake logic (see src/CMakeFiles.txt) to specify
> that the -DUSINGDLL compiler option is used for the shared library
> case.
> This has generally worked fine for many years, but apparently not for
> your "with error preprocessor" case for the MSVC compiler.
> This issue might well be a CMake bug for the MSVC case since the
> COMPILE_FLAGS property should "just work".
> To investigate that possible CMake bug further what cmake version are
> you using, and exactly what CMake option are you using to specify the
> "With error preprocessor definition" case?  I would like to quote that
> information if I forward a description of the issue to the CMake list
> for further help there.
> Also, suppose you change the above logic to
>     #Maybe? COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_<config> "USINGDLL" )
> where <config> is one of DEBUG, RELEASE, MINSIZEREL, and
> RELWITHDEBINFO.  But I have commented out all those <config>
> possibilities because I think the overall COMPILE_DEFINITIONS
> "USINGDLL" should work for all <config> cases by default.
> Does that change (with or without setting COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_DEBUG)
> work around the issue that COMPILE_FLAGS is not working for you for
> the "error preprocessor definition" case?
>> PS
>> I cannot run wxPLplotdemo because on my computer I used vs2012 for
>> wxwidgets library.
>> If you want I can test it but I need time to change all library on my
>> computer.
> Actually, a thorough testing on vs2012 would be better than being
> distracted by vs2013.  So for now, let's stick with vs2012 until
> you are satisfied with it.
> Alan
> __________________________
> Alan W. Irwin
> Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and 
> Astronomy,
> University of Victoria (
> Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
> implementation for stellar interiors (; the Time
> Ephemerides project (; PLplot scientific plotting
> software package (; the libLASi project
> (; the Loads of Linux Links project (;
> and the Linux Brochure Project (
> __________________________
> Linux-powered Science
> __________________________

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