On Monday 24 Feb 03, David Starks-Browning writes:
> ...
> Unfortunately, I just found a possible "showstopper" with a Cygwin
> build.  Because Windows is case-insensitive with filenames, gcc finds
> plucker/viewer/font.h to satisfy
>       #include <Font.h>
> instead of Core/System/Font.h from the SDK.  This breaks the viewer
> build, of course.

Phew!  Never mind!  This is no problem after all!

Cygwin users can set the CYGWIN environment variable to
"check_case:strict" and gcc will act properly.

(I just built the viewer from CVS on a Win98 laptop running Cygwin!)

Thanks for your patience while I worked through these issues.  It
looks like we have a green light for Cygwin users who want to build
the viewer.

Kind regards,

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