On Tue, Feb 25, 2003, Fringe Ryder wrote:
> I was noting the different standards of the environments, not the
> quality of developers.

Nice try, but the fact remains that most of your message was nothing
but an insult against free software developers and that is not the
kind of message you should send to a free software project's mailing
list. Maybe we should put up a sign somewhere saying "No Trolls,

Saying that "professional environments" are better is even more
braindead than your include header file suggestion, though. Most of
us have worked in many different kinds of "professional environments"
and know what a nightmare they can be and what kind of code they

> (Your text editor should support such a thing.  If it 
> doesn't, I'm sure most of us could suggest better tools for you.)

So nice of you. Well, considering your suggestion on how to include
header files I think I will avoid any more "help" from you...


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