At 12:47 PM 5/18/2010, you wrote:
So you are seriously telling me the DOJ stats, cited by the conservative CATO institute, are misinformation?

I don't know yet...I did copy that info to one of the section leaders in the county Atty's office, and the immediate response was one of surprise.....and they should know....they are doing some checking, and will get back to me...the figures are not congruent with theirs.....

In terms of the rest of your email. I don't deny that there is a drug war (a whole other can of worms) going on, but that doesn't mean that I want a father to be deported when he gets pulled over at a traffic stop, when his wife and kids have their papers, and he doesn't.

Please, what other laws can a person break and get away with it?  Let's see, I need money, so I rob a bank--well, that's where the money was.....whatever you do, don't send me to jail -- that would break up my family!

 Make him register. Make him pay a fine. Give him a path to citizenship. Imagine how afraid the wife and kids are,right now, wondering if the next time they get in the car their father is going to be put hauled away.

What about the poor families of those in prison for breaking the law......actions have consequences.  And what about those law-abiding people who have stood in line to come to the USA legally - do we just line-jump them?

Also, if the economy is bad, many undocumented workers will leave anyways! It's simple supply and demand. this all the way from 2008:

Yes, thank God they passed a law to put some heat on unscrupulous employers.

I agree we need comprehensive immigration reform. and if there's any upside to sb1070 I hope it will be to help force the feds to take action.

Well, why do you think they passed that law?????

lyle, trying to stay out of this one...<G>...but failing....
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