On Sun, 1 Apr 2012, Bill Barry wrote:

> Since it is not clear exactly what the problem is, here are some semi-wild
> guesses.


   The problem is the Sony will not connect to any network via the wireless
interface. Here and at three outside 'wifi hot spots' it will be issued a
dynamic IP address (by the WAP, I presume), dns nameserver IP addresses, and
routes to the gateway IP address (by the WAP or the sever behind it).

> Maybe a local dns cache is causing problems. Are you running dnsmasq or
> nscd on the laptop?

   /usr/bin/dnsmasq is present; there is no dnsmasq in the process list and
every line of /etc/dnsmasq.conf is commented.

> Or how about a firewall problem.

   The portables do not run explicit firewalls.

> What does iptables list show?

   With what option? running 'iptables' returns nothing.

> Could wicd be misconfigured?

   Not likely. The WAPs are all unsecured and wicd connects, gets an IP
address, gateway address, and nameservers. I can run 'dhcpcd wlan0' from the
command line and get the same results.

   Specific question: do WAPs provide gateway IP addresses and set
nameserver IP addresses in /etc/resolv.conf? If not, those must come from a
server on the other side of the WAP from the laptop, correct?

   If gateways and nameservers are assigned from the network server, then the
laptop is communicating to the server via the WAP. In this case, what
portiong of the networking stack is missing and prevents access to the 'Net
or a server Web page?


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