>>>>> "Rich" == Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com> writes:

Rich>    Please explain to me how the ethernet interface could
Rich> interfere with the wireless interface. I must be missing
Rich> something critical here because they're on different interfaces
Rich> (eth0 and wlan0), and while both are UP, only one is RUNNING.

If they are both configured for the same network, the network stack
doesn't know which one to use.  You hand it a packet with a
destination address.  It says, "hey, wtf?  I have two interfaces that
are configured to deliver to that address!  I give up!" or something
like that.

How about showing us the output of a command that would remove the
PEBKAC issue?

What do:

  $ ip addr

  $ ip route

show when it is and isn't working?  Install the iproute2 tools if you
don't have them already.

Russell Senior, President
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