On 08/22/2015 02:19 AM, Dan Egli wrote:
> On August 20, 2015, Levi Pearson wrote:
>> Why did it occur to you that no one is using Samba anymore?
> I should have said no one would be using samba where this whole thing is
> being implemented. I did not mean that no one anywhere is using it, just
> not where I have to deal with it for now. :)

The really sad thing is that there aren't that many good, secure, file
serving options for plain Linux.  NFSv3 permissions are enforced by the
client, which works okay in a lab environment where end users don't have
root access.  NFSv4 is much more secure (clients can be authenticated by
Kerberos), but it is very much complex to set up.

In some respects, Samba is a good choice for sharing files between Linux
machines.  Samba implements full posix support, so if the client is
Linux, Samba will make sure the permissions and ownership work.  The
problem here is obtaining the user's password for performing the mount.
 There are PAM hacks that store the user's password during login, and
pass it to an autofs mount.  A few years ago I set up a bunch of test
machines set up that would mount a users home directory via Samba upon
login using this method.  It seemed to work okay.


Note that winbind is not required; that's for authenticating against a
window server.

One big downside to both the Samba method and the NFSv4+Kerberos home
directory methods is that logins using ssh keys just don't work, as
there aren't any credentials to perform the mount with.  Also ssh needs
to be reconfigured to use PAM, which is does not by default.
NFSv4+Kerberos does work with Kerberized, password-less ssh logins.  If
the Kerberos ticket is passed along with ssh, the mount should be able
to use that ticket.

What should be simple turns out to be really complicated, which is why
most places still use NFSv3 to this day, despite the security problems.

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