bpa wrote: 
> The pilot in Mar/April could only really be played in Firefox.  Now in
> addition to browser there are version of vlc, ffmpeg as well as LMS that
> can play Dash/Flac. BBC should also be able to determine the number of
> individuals who have listened using Dash Flac.

I think people playing Radio 3 with VLC and ffmpeg constitute such a
tiny fraction of listeners as to be irrelevant. Sadly the same probably
goes for LMS these days, I suspect there aren't enough of us to make an
impact. And none of the other hardware internet radio suppliers got
their act together in time, which sadly isn't a surprise.

What matters is people playing with web browsers, and much more
importantly iPlayer Radio app on various platforms. But I believe
iPlayer Radio doesn't support Dash Flac, so this is a very early trial
of the infrastructure in a situation where they know they're not going
to be swamped with more listeners than they can cope with. But that
raises the question of how they can possibly judge the appeal of
lossless Radio 3 with such a small subset of the listeners.

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