philippe_44 wrote: 
> Can you list the full tree under the Shairtunes2W directory? in
> elib\5.14\MS...\auto\Crypt\OpenSSL\RSA, you should have a libeay32_.dll.
> Can you try to remove the trailing _? I did that b/c that file already
> exists in the Bin\directory
> The fact that it works means that this dll is loaded at some point, when
> needed, but maybe something happens at LMS startup

Thanks for the clue. The full tree is exactly as you have it under
Program Data\...\installedplugins\shairtunes2w\elib\...    the LMS bin
directory however is under Program Files(x86)\Squeezebox\server\bin\..
does not have a libeay32.dll file.  I changed the file name as you
suggested, now the error message changed to libeay3_.dll not found...
Then I tried to copy and paste the file to same directory so I have two
file names ( libeay3.dll and libeay3_.dll) the error remained as
libeay3_.dll not found. Then I reverted back to original name, and I
kept getting the same error libeay3_.dll not found (even though the name
was back as it was!). I also tried to add a copy of the file as
libeay3.dll under the LMS bin directory ( in program Files(x86) while
keeping original name libeay3_.dll in original directory, the error
message kept the same libeay3_.dll not found.

It seems under window, you cannot change the .dll names since they get
registered as the program installs and you cannot change that. It is
very weird that the problem goes away under win 10 with a fresh install

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