bpa wrote: 
> Does that mean hestbank could create a new SD card with Raspbian Buster
> and then install  Max2play on top of that ?
> edit
> Elsewhere on Max2play site it says "Max2Play for the Raspberry Pi based
> on the official Raspbian Stretch-Image." 
> But Stretch supposedly had Perl 5.24.

hestbank wrote: 
> From the Debug Info:
> #### LINUX-VERSION ####
> Distributor ID:    Raspbian
> Description:    Raspbian GNU/Linux 8.0 (jessie)
> Release:    8.0
> Codename:    jessie
> I'll investigate migrating to Stretch or Buster.
> Thanks.

slartibartfast wrote: 
> No but he could burn a new card with the max2play version of Buster I
> think. The max2play version number relates to features added to the
> distribution rather than the original download so any installation can
> be updated to 2.5.2. The openSSL version on my Pi 4 running Raspbian
> Buster (not max2play) is 1.1.1d from September 2019
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

Just dug out a rpi2b with sabredac attatched

Flashed the M2P Buster image for rpi4 (Supported on other rpi since July

Updated, installeds lms 7.9 nightly (v7.9.3)

Install bpa plugin



|Filename: LMSMAX2PLAY.png                                          |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=30585|

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