I hadn't considered that, and now have both set to the same settings -
and that did seem to make some difference, yes, although slight. Also
redoing the tags didn't change anything. It's odd; with 50s music I have
the same setup, CD and Discs, and then yet a third folder with some of
the "grey area" albums I've bought on CD over the years since I wanted
to keep those separate. These are often third-tier doowop 45s and such.
And despite that being on a totally separate folder with a
higher-lettered name, usually within about 6 tracks Sugarcube winds up
there and rarely leaves. The Discs folder is almost (not totally) being

I think next I'm just going to add some custom tags with CD/Discs/Grey
so I can split it all back out if I need to eventually and move
everything into a single folder and see what happens...but I'm almost
guessing I'll start getting the Aretha behavior that's been talked
about. We'll see.

I also was curious to try the Dynamic Mix plug-in, which loads, but the
Dynamic Playlist add-on will not load now despite several tries - is
that all totally dead now?

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