A bit stumped - it looks like the problem in in your setup.

I found an unused Pi 3B+ and did a clean install of PCP 8.0.* and got
LMS running on it.  No Squeezelite. 
I am not familiar with PCP so I just followed the picoreplayer.org

As I am not familiar with PCP, I then installed the cdd2wav extension
and plugin as per these instructions

CDs play OK - no issues. Didn't go near any settings.

The multiple version in the menu is very strange and key to the problem.
The plugin was written when there were fewer LMS APIs for menus (and I
was less familiar with LMS) so the plugin creates OPML files for the
plugin menu and puts them in the LMS playlist directory. I wonder is the
plugin somehow appending to these files instead or rewriting them. The
file should be deleted on LMS shutdown.
The names are 
tmp-CDplayer-release-%03d.opml  (wheres the %03d is replaced by a

If you are at top level of LMS menu - then delete these files. Then go
into CD player menu and see if it behave OK. Otherwise attach a zipped
copy of all the "tmp-CDplayer" files to a post.

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