It's taken me a long, long time but I've finally "got" the iPeng modes.
Once understood they work very well indded but pure nirvahna is negated
by one seemingly insurmountable problem: It is far too easy to
destroy/replace a carefully built up playlist by touching the album art
by mistake when meaning to touch the title of an album. Touching the
album art replaces the current playlist with the whole album whereas
touching the album name takes you to the track listing.

If you are right handed and hold the iDevice in the right hand whilst
using the finger of your left hand to make selections it is extremely
easy to touch the album art by mistake. 

I tried out iPeng on a group of friends last night. All were right
handed and at some point all suffered from this problem (on the bright
side they, they all "got" the modes once I'd explained it to them).

Especially as I have iPeng/SC set so that it will not play the whole
album when I select to play a single track the one thing that has most
thrown a wobbly into my understanding of the modes is the "Play
Shuffled" title. I see that this "bug" is about to be addressed and
hopefully for those that elect to play single tracks only the title will
be changed to the plain "Play All". If this is the case there seems
little need for a touch on the album art to play the whole album as you
can go to the next screen and select "Play All". So, at least for users
that choose to play single tracks only my vote is for a touch on the
album art to do the same as touching the album title. This way I'll not
keep destroying my playlist.

Is there any chance of this becoming a reality? Should I add an
enhancement to the bug?

Also from last night, the ability to drag and drop songs within a
playlist just ceased to work at some point. Is this a known bug? I can't
find any reference to it anywhere.



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