The "ls -l" command gave the following results:

Macmini:~ raglencross$ ls -l
total 0
drwx------+  6 raglencross  staff   204 Jul 19 14:45 Desktop
drwx------+  4 raglencross  staff   136 Jul  7 20:53 Documents
drwx------+ 13 raglencross  staff   442 Jul 13 15:35 Downloads
drwx------+ 33 raglencross  staff  1122 Jul 11 00:22 Library
drwx------+  3 raglencross  staff   102 Jul  7 20:53 Movies
drwx------+  5 raglencross  staff   170 Jul  8 22:54 Music
drwx------+  4 raglencross  staff   136 Jul  7 20:53 Pictures
drwxr-xr-x+  6 raglencross  staff   204 Jul 16 10:51 Public
drwxr-xr-x+  5 raglencross  staff   170 Jul  7 20:53 Sites

Presumably "drwx" means delete/read/write/execute permission for me,
raglencross, (and the group staff?) for the specified folders i.e.
Desktop, Documents, etc. Don't have a clue what the number and date
columns or "-xr-x+" mean!

You are right that the SBS and mplayer executables are installed with
different ownerships.  SBS's owner is "unknown" and mplayer is owned by
me.  Changing SBS to my ownership does not solve the problem, probably
because, as you suggest, said ownership has to be extended to the
containing folders and directories.

Anyway, as a new Mac user, it looks like I will have to dig in to the
whole matter of sharing, ownership and permissions as done by Apple. 
It seems to be every bit as complicated as for Windows, despite the
hype about Mac's simplicity!  In the interim, I can listen to PHC using
one of my Windows servers ;)

Thanks for your help in steering me in the right direction, Bpa.

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