dsdreamer;591072 Wrote: 
> Okay, I'll keep a look out on this thread to see if you find anything
> not working. That'll be much appreciated.

I could not get SvrPowerControl to work with the latest 1.6 Vortexbox
running Perl 5.12, with a stock Vortexbox install on an Intel Atom 510
machine. The server would suspend and resume as desired, but the SBS
process would be running but unresponsive when the machine resumed.

However, when I used yum to install the "testing" version of SBS
(7.5.2), I was back in business. 

If you have a positive sighting of SvrPowerControl running under FC
14/Perl 5.12 using the released SBS (7.5.1), please let me know. I
couldn't get this combo to work.


"Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you..."
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